Progressive Liberal Democrat – Mississippi 4th District

Posts tagged “Iran

Friends, Mississippians, Countrymen (and Women): Lend Me Your Ears & Voices

Obama - State of the Union Address 2014The 2014 State of the Union Address elicited mixed reactions from Democrats and pundits.  Obama touched on healthcare, jobs, the economy, a bit of Iran/Israel, and he especially talked about women.

This is all well and good, but what do we really need to work on and how should we go about it?  I want to hear from you, the people of Mississippi, who have been done such a disservice during the past few years of Palazzo’s so-called representation.

Each of us has concerns about issues that affect us directly.  For me, women’s rights issues are always paramount.  But what is important to you?  Please leave a comment below and let me know what concerns YOU and how you think the problem should be resolved.

NOTE: All comments must be approved, so keep it constructive (no bitchin’ & complainin’ about the GOP — we already know they’re bought and paid for by the 1%).  Also, Right-Wing Nut-Jobs, don’t even bother.  If you happen to be Republican with a constructive comment about what needs to change, please leave a comment.  However, no comments that involve anti-women, anti-choice, anti-LGBT, or other bigotry will be approved.
