Progressive Liberal Democrat – Mississippi 4th District

Posts tagged “governor

Mississippi’s GOP allows “Religious Freedom” for Hate and Intolerance

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant Signing Religious Hate Anti-LGBT Bill into LawDear Self-Righteous Fake Christians:  Go spew your hate-filled, intolerant drivel elsewhere.

Last week, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed into law SB2681, the so-called “religious freedom” bill, which is in fact a license to hate and discriminate.

While many activists have rightly spoken out on the motivations of this bill’s initiators — to allow even further discrimination of LGBT, this bill isn’t just for keeping LGBT Mississippians (and tourists) out of restaurants and businesses.  I think Mississippi’s GOP politicians are knowingly laying the groundwork for further human rights violations, such as a complete ban on abortion and further delaying gay marriage, based on the religious beliefs of some people.

This bill also slapped the phrase “In God We Trust” onto Mississippi’s state seal, yet another violation of the First Amendment — but the GOP has never been one to heed the Constitutional right to freedom FROM religion.

Growing up, I was forced to be raised Catholic by my zealot mother, though I never believed in Jesus as a messiah or saviour.  After all, how could a male god, the great Father, “give his only son” when it’s women who give birth?  Shouldn’t there be a Mother somewhere?  A supreme goddess to go along with and give birth to a heavenly great god?  And with all the focus on the “son of god”, where was god’s daughter?  Don’t girls matter?  As the years went on, it would become glaringly obvious that, no, females do not matter in institutionalized patriarchal systems such as religion and government because our only value is in birthing strong healthy sons — sons to inherit everything, sons to fight in the oppressor’s wars for wealth, control, and natural resources, sons to die for the regime’s propaganda.  Women were property — and we still are property since we do not entirely own the rights to our bodies.  Women seem to be the property of the GOP.  And since this “religious freedom” law now gives businesses the right to discriminate based on religious beliefs, everyone better re-read Leviticus and be afraid…. be very, very afraid….

I still cannot believe this ludicrous bill actually became law.  Is the economy so recovered from the Bush regime’s wars and the state GOP’s budget that Christians in Mississippi can afford to turn away business?  Do Mississippi Christians actually feel so threatened by non-Christians living here or by Christians who have abortions, who are gay, have premarital sex, have children out of wedlock, or have extramarital affairs?  These fake and/or fundamentalist Christians tend to complain they are the ones being persecuted by having non-Christians or Christians who do not drink the fundamentalist Kool-Aid living alongside  “good Christians”.  I have heard all the whining about Christians being persecuted that I ever needed to.  But seriously, when was the last time a Christian was persecuted for being Christian in Mississippi?  On the 33rd of Never.

Being non-Christian my entire life, I’ve actually experienced religious discrimination.  As a writer and composer, I studied the Witch Trials of Europe and Salem in depth to write a musical, Witchcraze, which I wrote to parallel the Constitutional and human rights’ violations of the Bush regime.  If you want to see the direction in which Mississippi is moving, read the arrest warrants and trial transcripts of women (and men) accused of being in league with the “devil” character of Judeo-Christian mythology.

The rich old men who claimed to work for God and Jesus centuries ago were as hypocritical and consumed with their own self-interests of power, greed, wealth, and control as these assholes in Mississippi’s legislature.  Religious freedom?  Religious discrimination?  Try being openly non-Christian or openly gay or openly raising a child out of wedlock in Mississippi and get back to me.

So Self-Righteous Fake Christians:  Go spew your hate-filled, intolerant drivel elsewhere.  Christians who actually follow the teachings of love and compassion of Jesus are tired of you representing them.  And the rest of us are tired of you getting your way at the expense of our federally protected rights.



Bring on religious discrimination. I’m ready for battle.

leonardo-da-vinci-vitruvian-man-pentacleIn honor of the hate-sponsored religious discrimination bill passed by the Mississippi legislature, I will start wearing pentacles again just to see if I get discriminated against.  I would take a case to the Supreme Court if need be.

FYI: the pentacle (5-pointed star in a circle) represents the 4 elements (earth, air, fire, water) and Spirit (universal energy/god, whatever you call it, etc.).  The circle represents the circular/cyclical aspect of life, infinity. (As above, so below.)  In fact, the pentagram was the first symbol used by early Christians to represent Jesus (and his 5 wounds) because the pentagram/pentacle is a symbol in the sacred geometry system of the Kabbalah, and Jesus was Jewish after all.  (Christians forget that.)

The pentacle has been misrepresented by fundamentalists who don’t know its history or significance, the same way Hitler took the sacred Asian symbol of the swastika and bastardized it to represent his evil plan for domination.  And conversely, the serpent who’s portrayed as the bad guy in Genesis, is actually an ancient symbol for knowledge and wisdom — which is why the serpent is the symbol used to represent medicine in the form of the two serpents, rising in a cyclical, double-helix on the caduceus.

Jesus-emerging-from-Goddess-vagina-vulvaThen there’s the “Christian symbol” ichthus used by so many Christians to represent Jesus, which is, in fact, an ancient pagan symbol for fertility (i.e., the VAGINA!).  All vulvar symbols represent life, renewal, and abundance.  No wonder the Christians stole it (and so many other pagan symbols).  Barbara G. Walker writes in The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, the ICTUS bestowed as a symbol for Jesus was a “rationale invented after the fact… Christians simply copied this pagan symbol along with many others.”  Christian iconography shows Jesus emerging from the Goddess’ vaginas in all sorts of media: writing, paintings, sculpture, jewelry.  The entirety of Christian mythology was retrofitted to make Jesus a “messiah”, so it’s only natural to portray Jesus at the portal of the universal birth canal.  So, all of you with a fish symbol on the back of your car — you’re really just showing your love for ancient pagan goddesses and the great, universal vagina.  You’re just the only one who doesn’t know it.

This religious discrimination bill is going to get ugly.  Just like the RWNJ’s who want prayer in schools, these RWNJ constitution violators think they’re protecting Christians.  Instead, they have drawn a line in the sand, and the battle is on.

But think on this….

The Catholic church and several Christian denominations have an active policy of discrimination against women — women are not allowed to hold certain official positions in their religious organizations.  This violates the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991 (and would violate the Equal Rights Amendment, had it ever passed).  And yet, the Church, the largest landholder with property wealth that rivals Walmart, receives federal and state exemption from taxes, all while violating the basic American principals of equality and freedom — and the First Amendment, the Treaty of Tripoli, and the Separation of Church and State.  Churches don’t pay taxes, and they don’t have to abide by the laws of the very government that doesn’t require them to pay taxes.  Interesting….

The real absurdity here is that I can’t think of a Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Jew, or Muslim who would tell a Christian he couldn’t shop at their store or eat at their restaurant.  However, I can definitely imagine a fake Christian kicking out someone for being non-Christian, for being gay, for having had sex before marriage, or having had sex outside of marriage.  As a non-Christian, I’ve personally experienced religious discrimination.  And I actually feel sorry for the real Christians who truly live by Jesus’ teachings of love, compassion, and helping others — you guys get a bad rap from the CINO’s (Christians In Name Only).

Which reminds me…. We’re coming up on “Easter”.  Have you ever wondered how the date of Easter is figured out since it’s not on a set date each year?  (Hint:  The Christian church decided long ago to set Jesus’ resurrection at the time of the Spring Equinox, a holy day for tree-huggin’ pagans of indigenous Europe.  The Church decided the date of Easter would be set as the first Sunday (the day of the Sun/God), after the first Full Moon (the moonthly celebration of the Goddess) after the Spring Equinox (the first day of Spring, when the length of day and night are equal, signaling the days getting longer and the crops starting to grow)…. And don’t get me started on Christmas.

Maybe I’ll start harassing Christians over stealing the pagan symbology of the decorated Ostara (Easter) egg and the Ostara hare (bunny) — ancient indigenous European customs stolen from their pagan cultures centuries ago and co-opted by the Christian church during its “Convert to Jesus or die” missionary work.  No, actually, I won’t because that’s not what we do.  “An’ it harm none” and the Law of Karma are my basic principals, along with Ahimsa and “Be the Change”.

Do some not nice people wear pentacles, sure — just like some really evil people wear crosses.  (GOP, I’m looking at you.)

I just don’t know why our state legislature has decided to bring the church’s medieval Crusades to Mississippi.  We need progress forward into the 21st century, not regression back to the Dark Ages, nor regression of our constitutional rights of non-discrimination and freedom FROM religion.
