Progressive Liberal Democrat – Mississippi 4th District

Posts tagged “election 2014

By the People: Where do I stand on NSA, the Patriot Act, and NDAA

Lincoln-of-the-people-by-the-people-for-the-people(NOTE:  I am starting a new series of posts in which I answer questions submitted to me on Facebook, Twitter, or via old-fashioned email.  I’m calling this series “By the People” because, as your next Representative in Congress, I want to make sure I hear from and respond to the People of Mississippi.)


I am aware you are running for Congress, as a Democrat!  I am also a Democrat, however the party has become confused lately in supporting the Presidents NSA, Patriot Act, NDAA, that he has continued and reauthorized.  Democrats need to work against these measures in my opinion, after all we campaigned against that in ’08!  I would like to know what you think about the NSA, Patriot Act, and NDAA. Hope to hear from you soon!  Good luck on the run to unseat Palazzo!


Hattiesburg, MS

Dear David,

Thank you so much for writing me and asking such important questions.  I voted for Obama twice, and while I stand by that wholeheartedly, I disagree with some of his choices.  However, he has been trying to work with a Congress whose GOP leaders have said on camera that they will do everything they can to hinder anything Obama wants to accomplish.

As a human rights activist myself, I am likewise very upset that Obama has not repealed the Patriot Act.  I was disgusted when the Patriot Act was implemented under Bush.  The Patriot Act and the Bush Regime’s attempt to make America a theocracy is one of the main reasons I wrote my show Witchcraze, set during the Salem Witch Trials, to correlate the human rights violations by men in power who believe they can create the rules for the masses as they go along and then espouse, “If you’re not with us, you’re against us,” setting up anyone who disagrees with them as a “terrorist”.

Which brings me to Gitmo.  The NDAA 2014 continues to violate basic civil rights, even as Obama says he wants to close Guantanamo Bay Prison.  However, I think this is yet another case in which Obama has tried to get something done while having to placate the war-hungry GOP.

The NSA debacle is proof that our government is so far out of bounds that only major reform across the board will fix the problems that have been allowed to fester over the years.  That reform will only happen by getting do-nothing politicians out of their cushy jobs and allow hard-workers to be voted into office so we can clean this mess up.

It’s a big task, and it won’t happen overnight; but we at least need to get it started, which won’t happen as long as there’s a GOP House stalling the important issues (and shutting down the government).  American politics is a game of whom you know, how much money you have, and whether you “do lunch” with the right people.  The founders of the United States would be appalled at the “inbred” system of injustice and corporatism that Congress has become.

I’m ready to #CleanHouse2014.  I hope you are, too.
